Saturday, 18 August 2012

Feed Back on Interim

The feedback I was given from the interim presentation was helpful for getting suggestion on how to develop my ideas further.
Some of the comments I received were:

- consider how the segments of my orange will stay together within the orange skin (i.e how they will stay in a circle not just all fall apart)

- think about smell as another factor - do you want you orange to smell like an orange to increase the realism?

- presentation, will it be just the orange? perhaps make a stand for it to sit in

- accessibility of the individual segments, consider how easy/hard it will be to take out each segment of the orange without interrupting the other segments

- how obvious will the property of each segment be? clearly stated or left open for interpretation by the user?

I also received some good feedback from the group that my idea seemed very original and it was clear through my story board and description what it was I was trying to portray.
The main point everyone made was that the execution on my project would be key to its success, high quality details in the putting together of different materials and painting will need

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