Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Playing with Colour

Although I am happy with my colour choices I thought I should experiment using different colours incase I found that one really jumped out at me and to see what kind of a difference the colour palette brings to my design...

The green above and red directly below are variations on my 1st pannel which is currently a blue/purple colour. I found with both of these that they didnt capture the same mood as the original blue did. They dont have the distant, coldness that the blue does which i am trying to capture - these colours are much more in your face compared to the subtleness of the blue.

Below is my current final for my 2nd panel, above is an experimentation i did swaping the black background for a white one. Personally i think it lacks the intensity and depth of the black background, I prefer how the black works with the design rather than contrasts against it like the white does.

This red variation below was just me mucking around with changing colour and background, it is not something i think i need to keep developing, the colour experimenting has just made me appreciate my original colour choice more.

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