Thursday, 20 September 2012

Basics for Code (developments continued)

(unfortunately photo has been stretched)

This is a compilation of  screen shots showing my successful coding attempt at making a circle shrink by hovering over it with the mouse. I then was able to reverse the code to make the circle grow.

The trickiest part of the code was working out how to set parameters so that the circle didn't continue increasing forever to the point that it took up the entire screen, also had to work out how to stop the circle disappearing altogether.

I also was able to adjust the speed at which the circle decreased increased. If it was super fast the whole thing sucked in within a second of the mouse hovering over it, if it was slow you could stop/start making the circle gradually smaller by moving the mouse on and off the circumference.

The next step is how to combined the two so that when the circle reaches its minimum point (sucks fully in) it then pops back out to full size.

To do this in the 'sea urchin' way I am aiming for I will need to include some kind of TIMER so they circles randomly pop out after reaching minimum size, not straight away.

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