Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Interim Advice and Reflection

I got some great feedback from the interim presentation that should definitely help with development of my idea. One of the best ideas was to further develop my idea of using a points system as an incentive to make people providing the directions rather than following them log on and allow their phones to be tracked. It was mentioned that I could somehow make them relate to vic plus awards which would definitely be a great idea to look into.

Other ideas were to add features such as timers or counters that measure the approx distance your journey will be and the approx it time it should take you. I think this is an excellent way to add more elements into my design.

Finally, the design and style of my design seemed to be liked for its playfulness and almost cartoonish characteristics making it seem fun and lively, however I should try out a few styles before I committ to one as hand drawn and digital translate very differently.

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