Friday, 28 September 2012

More Style Development

(unfortunately stretched)
This is a screen shot of a development in style I tired using the pictures I found as a loose precedent. Using 'old fashioned' transport as symbols within my design was an idea I considered as the app is about travelling from one place to another however I decided there would probably be enough going on in each frame without using pictures that aren't strictly necessary. I also gave more 'grundgy' layering a go but decided it was to all over the show and un-purposeful.  Although I dont want my end design to look crisp and structured I still want it to serve the purpose of highlighting the point of the application.

This is the final style and colour pallet i have decided on to use for my whole flash application. ( I love the way it has a slight circus reference to it - a very people orientated event!) I am happy with the colour pallet choice as I think it is attention grabbing but not because it is overly loud or because it clashes. I also like that it doesn't appear to femminne, which was always a concern of mine as I find my work often appears very obviously female. Because this app is aimed at students I am most happy with how, is this title page is anything to judge off, my app appears fun and easy to use which is all anyone really wants.

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